Floral Tributes
Our local florists create beautiful arrangements and deliver your chosen floral tribute to our premises.
All sheaths listed below can be created in various sizes and we generally advise that the middle size will suit most coffins or caskets, but if there will be memorabilia on the coffin/casket, then the small (1M) size may be suitable.

Small Casket Sheath
1M Available from $260

Large Casket Sheath
1.65M Available from $520

Medium Casket Sheath
1.3M Available from $340

Single Ended Sheaths
Roses 50cm $215 or 70cm $270
Seasonal50cm $180 or 70cm $225
Coffin sheath designs and sizes
Our sheaths listed below can be ordered in 1M, 1.3M or 1.65M
Price will depend upon which flowers are chosen and will be listed with each display.
*Please be aware that some flowers may not be available at certain times of the year.
Small companion vases for each sheath design are available for $40. These are ideal for display on the memorial table and for families to take home as a memento.
Sheaths #1 – #8
1M=$370 1.3M=$440 1.65M=$695

Sheaths #9 – #16
1M=$320 1.3M=$420 1.65M=$615

Sheaths #17 – #24
1M=$260 1.3M=$340 1.65M=$520

Infant Tributes
Single ended sheath $70 • Double ended sheath $135

Special Tributes
Cross 70cm $260 • Heart $255
Memorial vase; $40
Mum & Dad; $175 per letter

Other floral options
Wreaths from $90
Bouquets from $85
Arrangements; in Box $100, in Vase from $250